A dirty pond is just not atheistically appealing. And you can do something about it. Water clarity can drop due to many factors like an imbalance of healthy bacteria, an overgrowth of algae, and not enough maintenance. We don’t want keeping your water clear to become a chore.
The type of pond you have whether concrete or lined will change how you keep your pond water clear. Our tips will work for those of you who have liner ecosystem ponds.
3 Way to Keep Water Clear
1. A Natural Balance
An ecosystem pond looks to create the perfect balance between man-made and how to integrate mother nature’s natural process of filtration. Your pond has a natural system of water purification called the nitrogen cycle.
- As you can see, a balance of anaerobic bacteria, plants, and fish are needed to complete the nitrogen cycle. This cycle is important because it takes ammonia, converts it to nitrite, and then then into nitrates which creates a healthy environment for fish, and feeds the bacteria and plants.
- An ecosystem pond with rock and gravel will help you balance your pond water more easily. Rock and Gravel are important because they provide 12x’s the surface area than a bare liner or concrete for beneficial bacteria to create colonies.
- The shelves in your pond create different depths which are needed for aquatic plants. Plants contribute to the nitrogen cycle by absorbing nitrate that was converted by the beneficial bacteria.
- Fish are important in the cycle because fish waste feeds the bacteria, giving the bacteria something to feed on. Without the fish waste, the bacteria would have a hard time completing the nitrogen cycle.
- BUT you need the right amount of fish in the pond in order to complete the cycle based on your pond size. We recommend 10 gallons of water per inch of fish.
2. Environmentally Friendly Water Treatments
There are many different water treatments you can apply in your pond in order to clear up your water. Here are 4 different treatments:
1. Beneficial Bacteria: you can add bacteria in a powder or liquid form which will help colonize your pond with the bacteria needed to complete the nitrogen cycle.
2. Peroxide Based Algicide: This helps you control string algae.
3. Phosphate Binding Algicide: This algicide binds phosphates in the water and those phosphates are what algae need to grow and survive. Phosphate binders will help you control both string algae and pea soup algae (the kind that makes your water green). This algicide does not affect other plants because they can survive without phosphate while algae cannot.
4. Rapid Clear: This clears your cloudy water by clumping suspended debris in the water making the filters more efficient and works within 24 hours.
-You can do all of the above at recommended intervals and dosages OR you can use the Aquascape Automatic-dosing system. This system will supply daily dosages of the treatment you decide to use in your pond. This is beneficial because it keeps your treatment at a constant level and keeps your pond water treatments from fluctuating.
*Do not use your own chemicals like chlorine or bleach to attempt to clear up your water. These chemicals are not friendly to plants or animals.
3. Regular Maintenance
-Your pond has a skimmer filter. This skimmer filters out finer particles in your pond and helps keep your pond clear. But if these filters are not cleaned regular they can not filter your pond water effectively.
-Removing leaves and other organic debris that falls into your pond on a weekly or as needed basis will help keep your water clearer by reducing the amount or material at the bottom of your pond.
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